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studio etiquette

late arrivals: To maintain a serene and uninterrupted experience for everyone, we kindly ask that you arrive on time, as our front door locks one minute before class begins. We start promptly to honor the time of both our students and teachers. We understand that unexpected delays, like getting stuck on base, can happen. For a smoother arrival, we suggest leaving earlier to avoid any disruptions.


cancellations:If you need to cancel a class, no worries! You can do so 4 hours before class starts and your pass will be refunded to your account. If you can't make it, please cancel online, unfortunately if it is within the 4h window a pass will be deducted from your account.  This helps us ensure everything runs smoothly and that other guests can get into class!


no-shows: If you know you won't be able to make it to class, please be kind and cancel your spot online. This way, we won't be expecting you. If you don’t show up and there's a waitlist, you may lose your pass and have to pay a 20$ class pass fee. For those with an unlimited pass, a $20 charge will apply. We understand that life happens, however we keep our class sizes small for you! and have to follow these rules. 



arrive on time

Please remember to give yourself a few moments to check in, change, and settle in before practice. Our front door will lock one minute before class begins, and the studio doors will close at the start of class. To ensure a peaceful experience for everyone, we’re unable to accept latecomers once class has started. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


get comfortable

We kindly ask that you remove your shoes at the entrance. The rest of our space is a socks-and-bare-feet-only zone to keep it nice and clean for everyone. We have a self-serve tea bar waiting for you!


be prepared

Please arrive for class well-hydrated and bring a reusable water bottle, which you can fill with our water refill station at the studio. Or you can purchase a flow water for 2.95! You might also want to bring a small towel for sweat and a mat towel if you'd like (available for rent at $2). Don’t forget your mat (also available for rent at $3 if needed). 



Please observe silence in the studio spaces, as this quiet time is a cherished part of the practice for many. Our Zen Lounge seating area is perfect for quiet conversation and connection, both before and after class.



We kindly ask that you leave your electronics and personal belongings in your car or the change room, and set smartwatches/fitness trackers to “Do Not Disturb.” For your experience and the experience of others, please enjoy a distraction-free practice!



Listen to your body—it’s often wiser than you think! Feel free to inform the instructor of any injuries, and take rest whenever you need. However, we kindly ask that you remain in the studio for the entire duration of the practice.



Begin where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. Your practice is always enough.


chemical scent-free

We are an artifical/ chemical scent-free space. Please avoid using strongly scented perfumes and personal products before and during your time at the studio. This helps protect those with allergies and ensures a comfortable environment for everyone. however we will normally have diffusers going in our practice space and  incense burning in our change room only. If you are sensitive to these smells please let us know!


respect + trust

We trust our teachers to safely guide the class through a sequence of postures. Deviating from this can cause injury and distract other students. Listen to your body to modify postures and rest when needed, but please avoid moving into new postures that differ significantly from the instructor's sequence.


pre + post class practice

We kindly ask that you refrain from practicing other asanas before and after class. Without an instructor present, the space is not supervised, and exploring or playing around with poses can be dangerous. Additionally, there are often back-to-back classes, with students eagerly waiting to enter the room.


bring all versions of you

It's important to show up exactly as you are—whether you’re feeling chaotic, messy, upset, or excited. Every version of you is valid, and this practice is here to embrace all of it. This is your space to be real, to feel deeply, and to honor every emotion. Remember, this is your practice—come as you are, and let the journey unfold.

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